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Get Involved

Your participation and talents are welcomed and needed. Here are some ways to become involved at HaMakom:


Attend a Board Meeting

The Board meets generally on the 3rd Tuesday of each month 4:30 PM. Check the HaMakom calendar for current information. All members are welcome at board meetings.


Are you interested in joining the Board or looking for more information about being a Board member? Contact Deborah Avren, Board President (


Attend Our Services and Other Programs

Participate in services and Torah discussions. HaMakom has active Continuing Education classes. Come, learn and share your insights. See Services for more information. 


Leyn Torah

Consider leyning your Torah portion or a portion of your choice on Shabbat. If you weren’t, consider learning how to leyn the portion you would have had. Contact Hazzan Cindy Freedman at to offer your expertise (or willingness to learn).


Join A Committee

Many hands make light and rewarding work. Consider contributing your talents to one (or more) of the committees below:​

  • Continuing Education: Assist with topics, speaker selection, and setup of events.

  • Fundraising: Share talents and assist with fundraising efforts and events on behalf of the congregation.

  • High Holidays: Assist in HHD planning and be available to help with HHD-related tasks.

  • Hineni (Community Outreach): Provide assistance to disabled members of the community or members who need short-term assistance: rides, food, medical visits, and so on.

  • Judaic Studies: Lead or coordinate a topic or teaching, such as Talmud, Leyning, Trope, and Haftarah.

  • Membership: Assist with new member contact/follow up and member retention.

  • PR and Marketing: Offer skills in public relations, advertising, and marketing in support of HaMakom’s visibility and promotion.

  • Special Events: Assist with setup, decorations, and preparing the sanctuary, common rooms, or homes for all community activities (for example, Kabbalat Shabbats, Onegs, Second Night Seder, and Kiddush following services).


Are you interested in joining a committee or looking for more info? Contact Deborah Avren, Board President ( or fill out the Committee form. Also, check the Community Outreach page to see if you would like to be involved with those activities.

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