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Friday, June 11, 2021, 6:30 pm on Zoom

Join Us for Beatles Shabbat!

Our beloved Hazzan Cindy Freedman is celebrating her birthday and to honor her we are planning a special Zoom service featuring Friday night liturgy sung to the music of THE BEATLES. HELP! us COME TOGETHER to celebrate this special day. EVERY LITTLE THING will be provided including all the song lyrics. WE CAN WORK IT OUT if you'll join us!


Please give generously to honor this occasion and all the extra ways Hazzan Cindy has creatively worked and served the HaMakom community this year. HaMakom will flourish WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS! 


Send your check to HaMakom, P.O.Box 6777, Santa Fe, NM 87502 or Click Here


ALL TOGETHER NOW! I'm donating $64 to honor Hazzan Cindy Freedman and support HaMakom


I WANT TO HOLD YOUR HAND! I'm donating $128


EIGHT DAYS A WEEK! I'm donating $256


LUCY IN THE SKY WITH DIAMONDS! The sky's the limit: I'm donating $_____


SWEET LITTLE SIXTEEN! Here's my contribution of $16 to support HaMakom




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Tu B’Shvat Seder
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 7-8:30 pm

RSVP/more information at or 505.992.1905


TU B’SHVAT (“The New Year of the Trees”) is both a mystical celebration and a call to environmental awareness. Jewish tradition is to observe this holiday with a Seder, a ritual meal with a prescribed order of of fruits and nuts, drink, and blessings. As the holiday has evolved, so has its multiple meanings, yielding a rich experience of gratitude for the earth, dedication to the preservation and care of life, and a collective exploration of the personal and mystical symbolism of the natural world.

Our Tu B’Shvat Seder is open to all who wish to take part in exploring our relationships with nature, land, place, community, and spirit. You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy this communal experience: juice that changes from white to red, fruits with a hard outer shell and a soft center or the opposite, a chance to remember and explore our connections to the earth, each other, and our deepest selves.

THE SEDER WILL BE LED BY members of the HaMakom community. The Seder features guided visualizations, blessings, and teachings intended for adults and teenagers, rather than young children.

Here's what you need to have on hand for the Seder:

•Both white and red wine or grape juice.

•Fruits with hard exteriors and edible interiors; could be citrus, pineapple, pomegranate, almond, etc.

•Fruits with soft, edible exterior and hard core, such as peaches, plums, olives, dates, avocado, etc.

•Fruits that are entirety edible, such as berries, figs and grapes. (At least 1 fruit from each category).

•Some kind of spice. That's all! 

Join Zoom

Meeting ID: 810 2823 5261
Passcode: 620030

1 301 715 8592 telephone

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